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Alpha Libra Books

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  • Book Sale Links

    We all know the big sellers by heart but the smaller venders deserve a share of the purse:

  • Book Clubs

    Reading Clubs can add extra savour to a good read or simply provide juicy debates. Whether there serve wine or tea, it could be the start of a fun relationship with brand new author or genre. Who knows? Maybe a recommendation from da club.

  • Public Media
  • Useful Networking Connections

    Writing can be a lonely business until you network with other creators in the literary world, from authers to book sellers all the way to the readers curling up for a good read:

  • Public Media
  • Creative connections come is all styles and global spaces. In seeking out sources, you may even become a source. Win Win.

  • Public Media
  • Being connected can bring collective pleasure and inform progress so book people, from writers to readers are sharing the love in the coolest vids. Win Win.

  • Public Media
  • A single tweat may at times be all you need to feel connected to a network of like-minded creators with all the same challenges and handy helpful hints. Win Win.

  • Public Media
  • Whether a well-trodden or fresh-made path, any network connection may open a channel to success. Win Win

  • Public Media
  • A collective voice speaks louder and achieves more through combining all our ability and ambitions. Win Win.

  • Public Media
  • Shared interests attract like minds but thta can also bring a redirect into new imaginings and enlarged horizons. Another Win Win.

  • Public Media
  • If a picture is a thousand words then a video must be about . . . well, you do the math. In our Tech Age, vids are promoting books now, go figure! Win Win.